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Glycemic control: What helps, how to control

Glycemia is a crucial factor for the health of the human body, and its deregulation can lead to several complications, such as diabetes. Therefore, it is important to understand the effects of exercise on blood sugar control and how we can use this tool to maintain adequate blood sugar levels.

Physical activity is one of the main strategies for glycemic control, as it increases the body’s sensitivity to insulin and helps reduce body fat, factors that can interfere with glycemic regulation. In addition, physical activity can also help reduce the risk of other complications associated with diabetes, such as cardiovascular disease and neuropathies.

Therefore, in this text we will discuss in more detail how physical activity can help control blood glucose, the effects of blood glucose during exercise and the strategies that can be adopted to keep blood glucose under control.

How does physical activity help control blood sugar?

Physical activity is one of the main tools for glycemic control. This is because exercise increases the body’s sensitivity to insulin, the hormone responsible for glucose uptake into cells. With this, blood glucose is reduced, as cells are able to use glucose more efficiently.

In addition, physical activity also helps control blood glucose by reducing body fat. Fat is tissue that can interfere with glucose uptake by cells, making the body less sensitive to insulin. With the reduction of body fat, insulin sensitivity is increased, which helps to control blood glucose.


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What happens to blood glucose during exercise?

During exercise, there is an increase in the body’s demand for energy. To meet this demand, the body uses the glucose stored in the muscles and liver. This increase in glucose utilization by muscles causes blood glucose levels to decrease.

However, depending on the intensity and duration of the exercise, blood glucose levels may temporarily increase, especially with high-intensity exercise. This is because the body releases hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol in response to the stress of exercise, which can lead to the liver releasing glucose.

What is the response of blood glucose to the stimulus of physical exercise?

The glycemic response to the physical exercise stimulus depends on several factors, such as the intensity, duration and type of exercise performed. In general, low- to moderate-intensity exercise, such as walking, light jogging, and cycling, tends to lower blood glucose, while high-intensity exercise, such as sprinting and strength training, can lead to a temporary increase in blood glucose.


However, even in high-intensity exercise, the glycemic response can vary according to the individual. For example, people with type 1 diabetes may respond differently to those with type 2 diabetes, as insulin production is affected differently in each type of diabetes.

What helps with blood glucose control?

In addition to physical activity, other strategies can help control blood glucose, such as healthy eating and the proper use of medications prescribed by the doctor. It is important to maintain regular medical follow-up to monitor blood glucose levels and adjust control strategies when necessary.

It is also important to avoid eating foods high in sugar and simple carbohydrates, which can lead to spikes in blood glucose. Choosing fiber-rich, low-glycemic foods can help keep your blood sugar stable throughout the day.

In addition, it is essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle, with habits such as not smoking and not consuming alcohol in excess. Stress can also affect blood glucose, so it’s important to find ways to manage stress, such as practicing meditation or yoga.

How to have blood glucose controlled?

To keep blood glucose under control, it is important to adopt a healthy lifestyle and follow medical advice. Some tips for keeping your blood sugar under control include:

  • Practice physical activity regularly, preferably with the guidance of a professional;
  • Follow a healthy diet, low in sugar and simple carbohydrates;
  • Regularly monitor blood glucose levels and adjust control strategies as needed.
  • Do not smoke and do not consume alcohol in excess;
  • Manage stress through relaxation techniques.
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